Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 143 | Let's go to Maine

Episode 143

90s month concludes with a trip north to Maine to serve some hard time in the Shawshank correctional facility, also discuss childhood, xbox's ambition to be the Netflix of gaming, and much more

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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 142 | Hitler is a Dinosaurs

Episode 142

90s month continues into the outback, as Peter and Jake wreak havoc with The Maxx! A true 90's MTV phenomenon, the duo dives into this piece'a work, confuses pro wrestlers with Superbad, and learns the true power of black girl magic.

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects, social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 141 | Smokin!

Episode 141

90s month kicks off in earnest as the crew takes a look at the 1994 Jim Carry classic "The Mask", the crew also dives deep into some misleading trailers, news of finical troubles for Game Stop and Activision, and Aquaman's profound ability to make money. All that and much more on this exciting edition of the Saturn Studs Podcast!

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects, social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 140 | 3rd Year is the Charm

Episode 140

This is the third-anniversary show for our intrepid podcast. We are excited to present The Saturn Studlys our 2018 year end awards and this a doozy. Clocking in at 2hrs and 40 mons this is our longest episode to date, join us for trailers, gaming news and many laughs and personal stories

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects,social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.