Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 152 | Triple Frontier of Boredem

Epsidoe 152

This week on the cast BORDERLANDS 3!!!!!!!!!!! the studs discus the upcoming mega hype release from Gearbox. Sega returns with the genesis mini and a new final fight, capcom continues to remake their old gamers and EA unloads 350 employees. Also, the gang review the dreadfully dull Netflix original Triple Frontier

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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 151 | Captain Baked Brie Larson

Episode 151

As Kurt voyages for the secret to the eternal youth in the far-flung foreign regions of the Poconos, Pete and Jake pretend like they're going to talk about Captain Marvel, but end up shunting it to the end while focus on the sweet Indian Deadpool film that came out last year and the inter-universe ties between Toy Story and Fullmetal Alchemist.

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects,social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 150 | Batman from 150 and Beyond

Episode 150

150 Episodes what a wild ride it has been, and thank you all so much for being a part of it. This show recaps a week full of more superbad remakes, live-action Disney remakes, and that little movie call Endgame. in gaming news, shiny new halo makes its way to the PC, a borderlands three announcements is likely coming at Pax  East, and the developers of left 4 dead have a new game out. And in our featured look the Studs reflect on the excellent Batman Beyond Return of the Joker and the era of cartoons that it represents and that defined their childhoods

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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 149 | Ninja Operation 1

Episode 149

This week on the show our heroes dive in on a bunch of trailers for mediocre looking movies and a whole slew of Pokemon rumors and of course our continuing look at the spectacularly bad Ninja Operation series starting at the beginning with Ninja Silent assassin: watch here

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects,social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 148 | Lego Movie Second Verse Worse than the First

Episode 148

This week on the show we've got a large line-up of second trailers and some new ones such as the promising "Stockholm" and the long-awaited "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote". POKEMON SWORD AND SHIELD ARE COMING!!!!! The boys take a look at everything we no so far and hop aboard the hype train. KOTOR II people are working on fallen Jedi and The Lego movie 2 was met with mixed emotions for our hosts

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects,social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.