Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 169 | Paddington is a Good Bear

Episode 169

This week on the show it finally happens! After months of waiting and hype Kurt and Jake finally, watch Paddington 2! is it deserving of its 100% fresh rating on rotten tomatoes? Listen to find out. The dynamic duo makes up for peter's absence with humorous takes on Jojo Rabbit, Zombieland: Double-tap and A beautiful day in the neighborhood. They discuss a lot of doom related news and the very sad and untimely passing of Geoff "iNcontroL" Robinson. A show packed full of humor and emotion this week and when you won't want to miss!

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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 168 | Dawn of the DaveBautistaCU

Episode 168

This week on the show the studs are at ComicCon where Kurt is for sure not filling in for Conan O'Brien. There are a shit-ton of trailers ranging from the nightmare fuel of Cats, to the way too late sequel of Top Gun: Maverik, to the family movie schlock of Playing with Fire. Was spider-man unseated as the top movie? Did Endgame catch Avatar? Was Stuber any good? Find out all this and what's going down in the gaming world this week on the Saturn Studs Podcast!

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects,social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 167 | Pokemon The Raise of Dark Dungeons

Episode 167

Things are back to normal this week on the show as the Studs return once again to shoot the shit. Discussing all the hot news such as the new trailer for the live action Mulan movie, the Switch lite, an update on who is king of the box office, and all the usual banter you've come to expect from the Saturn Studs. You aren't going to want to miss out on our epic review of a completely random pokemon movie in  Pokemon: Rise of Darkrai.

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects,social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Saturn Studs Podcast | Episode 166| Never too far from home

Episode 166

The holiday weekend has scattered the Saturn Studs all across New York state. and while the audio quality might be sub-par the content is still average at best. This week trae watch details the new Jumanji trailer, as well as trailers for spies in disguise and what Peter refuses to believe, is a real movie The Escape Plan: Extraction Team. The box office report shows continued dominance for Toy Story and miserable failure for everything else. Gaming news talks about so stuff and the Studs reviewer Euro Trip: Spiderman edition

Visit for links to all of your Saturn Studs side projects,social media, and more. Join the Saturn Studs discord server at Follow @StudsSaturn on twitter or visit to stay up to date on the latest news episode releases and the quote of the week from each show.